curriculum and especially love FREE homeschooling (or at least mostly free).
Our Homeschool Store: How-To Books for homeschool moms
This page is currently under construction and being updated- See our "Printables" tab from the home page for free Unit Studies and Homeschool printables
Updating: (check back soon)
Homeschool Launch Free Files - check out my PDF's under Files then check out all the free resources from other homeschoolers on the "member list" or the "file list" -
Sea Turtle Unit:
Passport 2 Adventurez- Italy
Earthquake Unit Study:
Hurricane Study Unit:
*laminate for flashcards or print 2x
and make your own "memory game"!
ABC Cards with Animals:
A- F Printable
G- L Printable
M- R Printable
S- X Printable
Y- Z Printable
Homeschool Links and Sites for Freebies:
*Reading: "Neo K- 12" - help with Phonics and alphabet -
* History: "E-Learning Links"- fantastic History resource-
*Bible: - resources for home and Sunday School-
* Science- "Learning Ideas"- Animal Science-
Earth science- "Answers in Genesis Kids"-
*Math- "Math Blaster"- Games to make math fun-
*Music- worksheet maker
Homeschool Adventures, Ideas, and Field Trips:
(click on the pic to read about our educational adventures)
Click on the pic to read about our family adventure camping out
for the Space Shuttle Atlantis.
Affordable Museum Field Trips:
Crafts For Your Homeschool:
Click here to Go To "Adventurez In Crafting" For a Full List of Family Friendly Crafts and Instructions
Cardboard Box - Seashell "Cottage"
Easy Peasy Native American Costumes and More
Homemade Math Game-
Multiply, Add, or Subtract
Your Child's "First" Book:
Re-purpose an old board book into one that your child can be really proud of. It is critically important to instill a love of reading in your child - what better way than by having them make their very own book?
Click the picture for full instructions on how to make your own!
More Crafts:
Going Green! St. Patricks w Toilet Rolls:
Scrapbook Paper Cards: