Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wildlife Wednesday - a job for every creature

We are celebrating wildlife with Master Books and Creation Conversations. Creation Conversations, is a wonderful resource for anyone who is interested in, or teaching God's creation vs. the theory of evolution.  Membership to CC is free. In the Wildlife Wednesday small group from CC, along with great articles and information on wildlife and nature, you will find free giveaways on books and loads of resources to help you teach your family about wildlife and creation.

This week:
A job for every one

(pic taken from inside the house on a phone) 

Oddly enough, this picture was taken in our yard. The Bald Eagle fought off the vultures and grabbed the fish.  It was pretty wild to watch this going on in our own back yard. We found it to be extremely exciting.

Last year, we were leaving the neighborhood and were thrilled to find another bald eagle just hanging out on a limb. We watched in amazement as he surveyed all around him in the majestic style that the species is known for.

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