Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Homeschooling tips Incorporating Art in your Nature Studies: Wildlife Wednesday

I participate on Wednesday with Kathy Balman @Kathy's Cluttered Mind and Master Books at Creation Conversations to bring you Wildlife Wednesday. We share our adventures in nature and information about encounters with God's beautiful creation.

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We do a lot of different nature & wildlife activities. One of the best things we've incorporated into our homeschool nature studies - is art. It's fun and interesting, it helps the boys remember what they have seen. It reinforces what they have learned either out in the field or in studies afterward.

Incorporating art into our studies adds another layer of depth to our adventures outdoors. Our art can be very simple - in the form of a drawing or sketch in a simple notebook. Or it can be as extravagant as a sculpture, painting, or recreation/model about our experience.

Students can create a collage out of natural elements, or they can put one together from pictures in magazines (great for little ones). Art is a wonderful way to bring geography into your studies as well. You can learn a lot about culture, climate, and the people from any area on the globe, by studying the animals who call it home.

Using art in your nature studies requires the participants to take a closer look at the subject and allows for in depth discussions about God's incredible creation. It gives the opportunity to stop and appreciate the intricate details implemented by a loving and omniscient Designer.

You don't have to have a lot of complicated supplies to enjoy art and nature with your children. Start with a few basics such as a sketch pad and an art set with various mediums to try.

Simple art tools
Sketch pads & Journals

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