Saturday, June 18, 2011

Five Question Friday (on Saturday)..... and Homeschool Mother's Journal!

1. What is your favorite summer time activity?

Well, here in SOUTHWEST FLORIDA - you better stay in the water
or in the AC!  We like to swim!

We swim most every day- we do plenty of other things- but if you're gonna be outside-
 you better plan on being wet!

2. Do you have one laundry soap you stick to, or do you buy whatever's on sale?

I like Arm & Hammer. I also buy Wisk or Publix brand - depends on my
coupons and the BOGO sales! (but, I stick to those 3)

3. What is your favorite dinner to make in the summer?

I like steak on the grill- and Mexican food of just about any variety!
...but I like it best if I haven't made it at all-

4. Do you have any talents?

I am a legend -( in my own mind)
I'm also very adept at saying the wrong thing & NOT realizing it ...
until like the middle of the night or something!
I once told my GRANDPARENTS Dr. (of all people) that I was...
addicted to Coke.

5. If you could instantly be an expert in something, what would it be? Why?

I love sea turtles- I'd be an instant sea turtle expert. I don't think it even
needs explaining.
or....... an expert blogger!

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Link from the Button above to "My Little Life"

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week…
I actually had a little bit of time to myself because the boys went to
Vacation Bible School from 8:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. every day!
THAT doesn't happen very often-

In our homeschool this week…
Well, the boys did VBS and we took a trip to a local animal rescue.
The Peace River Wildlife Center is a terrific place for families to visit. It's small
but always home to about 125 "residents" who cannot be released to the wild.
Because it is small - we got some great one-on-one attention and learned a good bit about
the animals there. We also picked up a terrific "field journal" for kids specifically for
Florida animals - my 9 year old hasn't put it down!

We are also gathering the rest of our supplies to begin our "China" study this week.
We are ready for takeoff on our virtual world tour- launching THIS week!!!!!!!
Leave a note if you are interested in the China study and we'll send ya a "passport" and info
to join us in our journey!

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
enjoy the ride!

I am inspired by…
women of faith- and water- the clear blue & green waters of the Gulf

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
Peace River Wildlife Center
We also visited the sprayground at Laishley Park and jumped through the water 
We went to Palm Island for a birthday party with close family friends
Made some new friends at Vacation Bible School - First Baptist Port Charlotte

My favorite thing this week was…
Well, seeing everyone on Palm Island can't be beat- can't replace close family friends
We really enjoyed the Wildlife Center too!

What’s working/not working for us…
Our new "Passport 2 Adventurez" program - sooooo excited!
Friend, fellow homeschool mama & awesome blogger-
Kelli from  is my cohort in this new endeavor!

Questions/thoughts I have…
Wondering if I've missed the last space shuttle launch. I've been meaning to look
it up (Using the word "endeavor" above triggered this little thought of mine)

Things I’m working on…
hello......... "Passport 2 Adventurez" - yay!

I’m reading…
my new Bible- NKJV from Sam's Club - love it!

I’m cooking…
A roast - tomorrow for Sunday dinner!

I’m grateful for…
an unselfish husband- the man adores me!

I’m praying for…
healing- I have pain every day and I'm ready for it to STOP!

I am also praying for my "bloggy friend" Amy from "Amy's Assorted Adventures"
a missionary who runs the Kazembe Orphanage -  check out their Adventure-

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…


Pics from the sprayground in Punta Gorda above-

And a pic and a link to "Amy's Assorted Adventures"
at the Kazembe Orphanage in Africa- please check it out & pray for their ministry!