Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Fun Link ups and. . . . . What We've Been Up To This Week

Thumbnail image for The Homeschool Mother’s Journal – Summer Edition   The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week… we've been catching up with more cousins! We had the opportunity to take off with my sister & her wonderful babes for a few days in Naples. Lots of fun in the sun- and silly cousin stuff.

In our homeschool this week… homeschool? Well, we worked on perfecting our swimming skills- that's PE!

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share… Relax- especially if you are just beginning your homeschool journey and especially during the summer! Enjoy the kids & learn along the way-

I am inspired by… Nature! We love to get outside & take many of our educational cues from the great outdoors. It can be a wonderful "jumping off point" for curriculum.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… We've been spending time at the local pool, Sanibel Island, Naples & Miromar, and of course Boca Grande.

My favorite thing this week was… Visiting family. Watching cousins play together!

What’s working/not working for us… Being outside and staying active!

Questions/thoughts I have… Wishing for a date night & although I have enjoyed some mini-vacations with the boys I am looking forward to some time with the whole family when daddy isn't so busy working!

Things I’m working on… Very excited about the "Virtual Travel Kit" that I am working on for our summer geography lessons. We are going to "travel" (with passports and all) to a couple of different countries each week- including crafts from each country and some fantastic food as well!
I’m reading… A lot of blogs and magazines!
I’m cooking… Found a great recipe for "ice cream bread" (you heard me)
Can't wait to try it! Posted by "Popsicles and Pigtales" -

I’m praying for… Amy - from Amy's Assorted Adventures - 
Amy is a missionary who runs the Kazembe Orphanage in Africa- she has recently lost one of the babies and then her brother was killed in an accident. My children and I are praying for their mission and for their family.  This is a picture of baby Nicholas who has now gone to be with Jesus. . . the post is attached if you click on the picture- please take a moment to learn more about this mission and the little lives it touches.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share
See above!

Another Great blog hop:

June is "National Great Outdoors Month" and this week is "Fishing and Boating Week"

I think we have this one covered! Click the picture for some great tips on fishing with kids!

Outdoor Play - Blog Hop
   Mama Pea Pod- Outdoor Play link up is a great way to share your adventures in the great outdoors! For our entry this week - well, see the above post and here are a couple more pictures of the boys swimming and playing (yes, we are water logged and lovin it!) :



They are ACTUALLY turning into little green frogs/fish!

And last but not least:

 Anna: The Imagination Tree
* Rachel : Quirky Momma

* Jamie : hands on : as we grow

* Rachele : Messy Kids

* Jenny : Let the Children Play

Our Play:
We really didn't do anything BUT play this week and you've seen some of our outdoor photo's -
here are a few of the things we did inside this week (yes, we really do stop and dry out sometimes)!


On our little "mini vacation" - we stayed at the Hilton Homewood Suites-
 it was a great deal for the money as it included a full kitchen plus breakfast AND dinner each night!

The cousins enjoyed movie time each night before bed. They played board games.

The boys LOVED the fish aquarium in the front lobby. We used the ice cube tray to make "treats"-
We didn't have popsicle sticks- so my 6 yr old suggested that we use his army men instead! It worked like a charm & the boys liked their little popsicles even more for it!

They needed the refreshment - after a rigorous game of "hotel mini-golf"!


We made an obstacle course- under the chair- around the flip-flops- through the table legs.......

Oh, AND ........ W. lost his first tooth!

Another great week with the boys! Hope you had a fabulous one too!

Oh, today is the LAST day to enter the Math Blaster Giveaway-  ends at midnight!
(see the post below & leave your contact info to win!)