Thursday, October 18, 2012

31 days of homeschool encouragement - Knowledge Quest giveaway - Mapping out a new day

Another day of homeschool encouragement and I have another giveaway for you!

One of the products we love in our homeschool . . . . . MAPS!

One of the best companies to get your homeschool maps from . . . . . . . . Knowledge Quest!

You can read a full review here from Denschool and gain easy entry to the giveaway.

 Every homeschool needs these maps.

Read an excerpt from Mindy's review of Knowledge Quest:

"The best part of each page is that it shows the date 
 that really helps me keep things in perspective.  
The children like it too
 – especially when we do any kind of timeline work.
It includes maps of the United States. 
Maps showing major wars, such as, the World Wars,
 Korean War, and the attack on Pearl Harbor. 
 Visually see the early flights of Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart,
 see the unemployment rates of each state during the Great Depression, 
and the major battles of the Civil War."
The whole earth is full of His glory! Is. 6:3 

Click on the button link below to hop over and enter to win your own!

Post image for Map Trek The Complete Collection Review

The whole earth is full of His glory! Is. 6:3 

Go here to read a Charlotte Mason approach with the Knowledge Quest materials 
and check out A Child's Geography - with another chance to enter to win these fabulous 
materials from our friends at Knowledge Quest 

Mapping out a new day - when it's just not going well: 

I pray you are enjoying a peaceful and productive homeschool day today. One of the things we do when things aren't going according to plan - or when things are going waaay "off" due to grumpy children - or even a "grumpy" mommy (seriously) - We call a "do-over"! That's right. A Do-Over. 

We go back to our rooms for a minute and then return smiling and pretend it is the beginning of the day. We start from scratch! We stop to pray together and ask God to bless our homeschool time together. We ask for Him to help us behave in a way that brings glory and honor to Him. That is how we "map out" a new day. How do you turn things around when your homeschool day has gone "off course"? 

I'm so thankful for the opportunity to set our course straight - His forgiveness and grace covers us. All we need is a willing heart and God steps in to do the rest. With one step in the right direction - He fills in the gap

I'm also thankful for the wonderful homeschool resources God has provided for our family - and I love to share with you what works for us! 

Please let me know if you find these reminders and information useful or if there is something else you are looking for. I am happy to share what God has led us through (some pretty big challenges) and how He continues to carry us through each day. I am happy to pray with you and offer support. 

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