Saturday, October 20, 2012

31 days of Homeschool encouragement - good treasures!

I hope you are enjoying the series of Homeschool Encouragement throughout October.

 You can read more about how we homeschool here and be encouraged as I share our struggles along the way in other posts here.

This weekend post is simple - but it is the most important part of our homeschool journey - scripture!

 We learn a verse each week and the boys use it for handwriting and cursive practice.

This week we learned this verse and had many discussions about what it means and how to apply it in our life.

One of the best things about homeschooling - is our opportunity to pour "good things" into the hearts of our children. The boys are putting good treasures into their hearts daily by studying God's Word.

We've witnessed first hand the difference it makes. Our youngest little one has had such struggles to overcome. Things he never asked for - some physical, caused by a birth mother who did drugs instead of taking care of him in the womb - others emotional from trauma he doesn't even remember.

There has been hurt - and anger and resentment - and that's just with ME! God has brought - and is still bringing us each down a winding - incredible road.

This child who's heart has hurt - who has struck out to hurt others - to destroy - This child whom I never thought I'd be able to homeschool - God is healing his heart!

Little at a time. Bit by bit. Piece by awesome piece. God is healing the hearts of the brothers who have sacrificed so much for our boy.

Life is hard. There is pain. People are broken. But . . . . .

"It's through the broken places that the light shines through" 

                                                                                                                         Patsy Clairmont     

God heals.  
One of the ways He is doing this is through the scriptures our boys learn each week. As they read His Word - as they take it into their hearts and begin to apply it in their life - God is glorified. It is through His power, His love, His faithfulness that we are a family. We are a happy family - with hearts that are healing and love always growing. 

The bible is living, breathing, Word of God! 

It is the foundation of our home and school. And, I am so thankful.

How bout you? Are you filling your children with good treasures? 

Please: Feel free to share your ideas on how to do that with us below.

#1000 Gifts: 
*Learning scripture with the boys
*Watching as they soak up God's Word and take it to heart 
* Seeing God work in their hearts in a way that only He can! 
* Family bike rides 
* cooler weather in Southwest FL - ahhhhhh
* Good things 
* Fellowship with friends - old and new - so thankful for the ones God brings into our lives - and then sometimes brings them BACK around again - through another season  ;) 
* Sharing our kitchen with friends - the heart of the home 
* Scrub Jay encounters (more on this later) 
* Freedom to gather and worship - to teach our children 

Please let me know if you find these reminders and information useful or if there is something else you are looking for. I am happy to share what God has led us through (some pretty big challenges) and how He continues to carry us through each day. I am happy to pray with you and offer support. 

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