Friday, January 25, 2013

Bigger picture - Set your mind


I'd do it again, you know. I'd go through the same hurt, the fear, of stepping out into the unknown. I'd hang on tight to my faith and brave the new waters of homeschooling . . . 
again to offer my children what I know they need. 

If I had the choice to make over, I'd know exactly what to do. I'd just smile and wave goodbye to the ideals  to which so many cling. 

We live in a small community of people who are close in a familial way. Island life will do that to you. Some thought I'd lost my mind - going against the grain as I left traditional school behind. 

It hasn't been perfectly easy. Some of it has been flat out difficult! We've had our ups and downs. Many things I've tried and failed to do - but the learning curve is fantastic when I lean on the Omniscient One. He really does know all. 

Every day brings it's own challenges. Each day we do our best to overcome them. And each day He is there to guide us through. Each day He brings joy and has the victory in our successes. 

Nestled in among the hard days, are the blessings. They are many. Cuddles during the middle of the day, accomplishment shining proudly across a freckled face, jokes that only family gets. The chance to focus on the little things, and teach my children to do the same -Time to study the fingerprints of our Creator as we look closely at nature - these are lessons I'd not give up. 

Facing the challenges is a matter of setting my mind on things above so that His will may be accomplished, so that I don't miss the hidden blessings! 

I wouldn't trade this time for anything. We can't ever get it back - so, even with the hard parts - I'd make the decision to stay at home and teach my three rambunctious boys . . . 


They grow so fast! This was 3 years ago December- 

Linking with: 5 min friday   and      Simple BPM               

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