If you've landed on this page - You may have figured out that something is amiss. In July - some nefarious types of internet trolls, up and stole my blog!
www.AdventurezinChildRearing.com is now the property of said trolls and the victim of an unsuccessful attempt to hold my blog for ransom. Seriously. Here's the thing. I do not negotiate with terrorists. Ever.
I have taken this time to do some re-branding and take a good look at the direction of Adventurez.
You can find current posts at our new blog home: www.HomeschoolingAdventurez.com
But - we aren't finished yet!
Adventurez in ChildRearing is still the backbone of the ministry (I just don't happen to own the domain)
I do, however, own similar ones - and once all is in place I will update you as to the new plan for this new season of adventurez. God is good, and when He closes a door (or internet window) He opens another!
Thank you so much for your loyalty - God bless
Kelli Becton -