Welcome to Day #3 of the Series:
31 days of . . . Exploring God's Creation!
I'm so very glad you're here.
Throughout the month of October I'll be
linking up with Nessy from "The Nesting Place" -
along with her talented team of blogger friends
Bloggers from around the blogosphere have gathered
to dig a little deeper by each writing on a single topic
for the 31 days in October.
"Shootin' the Hootch" in Georgia
(Chattahoochee river canoeing)
Day #3:
Some Parents - even those who were quite the dare devils in their
"pre- kidlett" days have a tendency to sort of throw in the towel
on big adventure once they get down to the business of having children.
Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not suggesting that we should
be skydiving with our little babes strapped into Baby Bjorn infant slings-
(or skydiving at all for that matter) I'm simply saying that -
Baby . . . .
We've got a lot of living to do!
You don't have to be sitting in a canoe in order to connect with nature.
Camping isn't a requirement for growing closer to God.
Camping at Babcock Ranch in Florida
But, getting out to explore the magnificence of His Creation first hand
will undoubtedly give you a closer look into the heart of its Maker.
Psalm 19: 1
"The heavens declare the glory of God;
and the firmament sheweth His handiwork."
In the first two days of this series I shared with you some
very simple ways to get out and connect with
the natural world.
On day one we talked about the value in taking the family
out for a walk. Sometimes the simple things are the best!
Day two was all about the virtue of sticks and the joys they can bring.
Children don't have to be constantly entertained and distracted by
the technologies of today. They can be gloriously happy and quite
imaginative while playing with sticks- part of nature's stimulus package!
Today I'd like to encourage you to plan a more exciting expedition.
With some careful planning, and a bit of the right gear- you can
conquer most any adventure imaginable- even with kiddos in tow.
As a matter of fact, I think you'll find that the biggest difference
between a pre-child voyage and navigating a trek into nature with
the family is quite simply the amount of gear one has to haul in order
to pull it off. But, I'm here to tell you- it doesn't have to be terribly
* Don't be afraid to give it a try!
River rafting and camping in Kentucky
Google can be your best friend when planning your family trip-
be it a camping excursion, rafting, kayaking, or other exciting
*Taking the time to do the research is key.
I Google the area and activity we are interested in to start out.
Then I make my list of things we'll need or questions I have.
I keep my pencil handy to jot notes while I search and list phone
numbers for several outfitters when possible for each venture.
If you are having to rent equipment (like a raft) don't hesitate
to ask about what sort of discounts they offer, extra charges
for drop offs of people and equipment, safety measures and
insurance. Make sure you understand their cancellation policy
and if it includes inclement weather.
*Ask questions!
A good outfitter will usually have a list of suggested items on
their web site. Adopt the Boyscout motto and "always be prepared"
There's no such thing as O.C.D. when it comes to family safety
y'all. Well, I take that back, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
You can also get good information and discounts from the brochures
found at the welcome centers along the way. I always leave free
time in our plans for the unexpected options we come across upon
location (and for down time soaking it all up).
Overnight Kayak/Canoe trip in Indiana
If you haven't ever paddled a canoe, don't start out on the
rapids. On our paddling and camping expedition in Indiana,
you'd be surprised at how many people we passed along
the river who had tipped their canoe. One couple who was
trapped in a circular pattern hollered at me asking who's job
it was to be steering- seriously. I was busy snapping pictures
as my little river rats paddled right by them. They had to send
out a rescue boat that day to go get those folks who actually lost
their canoe down the river! Everyone has to learn, but do it when
the river isn't running so fast or find a lake.
*Use the good sense God gave you and trust your instincts!
Family Camping at Brown County State Park, IN
Once you've done the hard work and laid out a good plan-
you've packed up the supplies you'll need and educated yourself,
relax and breathe it all in.
*Sit back and enjoy the fruit of your labor.
God has created for us a thing of beauty. When we begin
to spend time out in it- we witness first hand the majesty
and glory of the Master. It's a fabulous way to get to know
Him and to share Him with our children. Not to mention that
sitting around the camp fire or walking in the woods is a wonderful
way to "unplug" and enjoy deeper communication with the
family He's blessed us with.
Psalms 8:3-5
"3When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
5You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor."
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
5You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor."
Brown County SP- Family Camping in Indiana
*What an awesome way for Him to express His love for us!
Are you getting excited about planning your next family adventure?
I know I am-
Y'all come back now- 'ya hear,
Other #31 dayers I think you'll enjoy:
Mandy- Biblical Homemaking: Amy- Missional Mamas:
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