Friday, November 30, 2012

Bigger picture- Wonder


Thanksgiving was a whirlwind of activity 
there were pies to be baked and biscuits to make 
but mostly 
there were six little boys running around. 

The noise level was . . . as expected 
but we had extra time to play 

We enjoyed cousin time at the beach 
and as the Christmas music played in our little beach town 
we danced down the sidewalk to the playground 

All giggles and smiles 
with shouts of "watch me" and "look at this" 
They gazed in wonder at whatever they found. 
Even a rock became a treasure for sure! 

This special time served as a 
reminder to look at the world through their eyes
to wonder aloud at what we may find, 
for their childhood is fleeting, 
Their perspective is pure - we must look with wonder 
and the world around - and dance down the sidewalk 
in the middle of town. 


*disclosure - the rhyming is by accident - maybe just a little silliness lingering from our fun time 
I realize I am a dork - I. just. can't. stop. myself.  It was fun!  

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