Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Encouragement for Homeschooling Moms: a link up from the Teach Them Diligently Team


*affiliate links may be present in this post -see disclosure page

You've heard the expression "Parenting is the toughest job you'll ever love"
For homeschool moms, it can be the toughest of the tough.

I enjoy posting pictures and sharing our adventures. There are so many blessings that come with this homeschool life of ours. We travel, and explore. We investigate, grow and learn together. It's a wonderful thing. It's special to me and it is our true story. I love encouraging you with interesting ideas on getting out to explore God's creation, and sharing wonderful resources we've found.

Reality . . .
I don't stop and think to take pictures of the little boy of mine who's pitching a fit because he doesn't want to finish his chores or do his assignment. It doesn't often occur to me to grab the camera and photograph my little ones sitting in time out because they were scrapping and rolling in the floor fighting with each other. But, they do. (they aren't allowed to - but they do)

Our house gets messy. Laundry piles up. Laundry piles up. Laundry piles up. I sometimes feel like I am running about 3 months behind . . . on EVERYTHING! There isn't enough time in the day for all I want and need to do. Never mind enough energy.

When I'm overwhelmed by falling behind - I set a timer and jump in
Breaking these overwhelming projects into bite-size pieces makes a difference

You should know. . . 
Every homeschool mom I know struggles with finding time to get it all done. As a matter of fact - the real truth is - we can't get it all done. Being home with the kids doesn't mean that we have a luxurious day to ourselves or that our home is spotless. It means we are on duty, on call, working, around the clock. Whether we are feeding, teaching, washing, hugging or all of the above - our jobs are truly never done. We change hats off and on throughout the day faster than you can blink. Yet still, we drop the ball.

Be encouraged . . . 
Please know that if you are struggling with the homeschool lifestyle, or having a hard time getting through to your children, or having an especially hard time with one of them - you are not alone! Not only does God have you safely in the palm of His loving hand, but He is faithful.

I cannot tell you how many times I've looked up and cried, "Lord, I cannot do this!" Yet, He has decided I will. And, He is faithful. I told many people that although I enjoyed teaching, I knew I could not homeschool one of my boys. God had other plans. I am homeschooling all 3. And, He is faithful. 
Remember . . . 
When you see my pictures of fun adventures or all the wonderful creative homeschool blog posts out there- remember, they may have come on the tail of a fit pitching or a time out. Life isn't perfect, we take pictures of the fun cute stuff. You can have peace in your home, but there will be challenges along the way.

Practical solutions. . . 
I can tell you that I struggle, regularly to keep up, or catch up and to do it the way God wants me to. I want to share a few tips on what does work for me:

  • Pray and then pray some more - out loud if the kids are really pushing it! (that always gets their attention - oh boy, Mom's praying out loud again) 
  • Stay in the Word - fill up on it every day
  • Share - don't be afraid to share your struggles. If you don't have local homeschool moms to talk to, find an online group to connect with. There are many different facebook groups for moms to connect and encourage each other. Talk to a friend! 
  • Stop - take a break from your daily routine and go play outside. Spend a couple or few hours on the house or catching up on the thing you feel the most behind on -  then STOP & GO play! 
  • Get to a Teach Them Diligently Convention or Marketplace - Yes, I'm an affiliate and I blog for them. But, for me, the encouragement came first. I believe in the mission. I was invited to attend their first ever convention last year and it changed me. I cannot find words to tell you what it meant to me to step into a place where the hearts of the people working, speaking, and participating were so full of love and passion for the homeschool family. God's Spirit in that place was palatable. It will encourage you and equip you to press on. 

These things have made a difference in my life and in my homeschool.
 I pray they are encouraging for you. You can do this Mama. God Himself has called you.

1 Corinthians 15:58 "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."

Make your own "Homemaking binder" at: Where He Leads 

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How to Stay Encouraged While Homeschooling | LaToyaEdwards.netI'm joining the Teach Them Diligently bloggers to encourage other homeschool moms. One of the main reasons I started this blog (other than to chronicle our adventures) was to reach out to other moms and encourage them. Being a stay at home mom comes with it's benefits, and challenges. Being a homeschool - stay at home mom comes with a whole other set of benefits and challenges. Frankly speaking, sometimes the BEST adventures can be the most difficult. 
Go here for the other posts

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