Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Frugal Family: Homemade 4th of July craft - painted clay napkin rings, lessons, bible verse

In an effort to save money this year,  I'm joining my friend Marcy +Ben and Me  as well as Sam +Sam's Noggin  to bring you this weekly  link up full of tips for becoming a more Frugal Family. We will be sharing ideas to help you save money on groceries and meals, homeschool, crafts, and plenty of frugal DIY posts. We've made many sacrifices so that I can stay at home to teach the boys, and I've become pretty frugal in order to help make that possible and to keep it that way. It's become a challenge I truly enjoy, and one I enjoy sharing with you!

*affiliate links may be present in this post - see disclosure page

The birth of our Nation 
One Nation Under God 

Patriotic clay napkin rings for 4th of July!  

This is a super easy craft project that can be customized to suite any decor, for any occasion. These were made for the 4th of July with the traditional red, white, and blue theme.

Using any craft clay that will harden when baked (Polyform Sculpey Original Polymer Clay 1-3/4 Lbs: White) just kneed the clay until it's workable and pliable in your hands. Then, roll out  each of  the rings by hand, measuring them against napkin rings you have, if possible. Otherwise, roll your napkin as you will be serving it and fit the clay band around it to measure for the appropriate length. 

Use that one as a guide to finish the rest. 

The important thing is that the napkins you plan to use will fit properly. You also will want to  try to make each ring as uniform as possible. 

We aren't shooting for perfection here folks- that might take all the fun out of it, especially when working with kids. They will be cute in their imperfection.  The kids will be proud to show off their handiwork and you will have a treasured keepsake to use for years to come. 

Use a pastry roller to roll out clay in about 1/4 inch thickness and use cookie cutters to cut out themed shape, such as stars for the 4th of July. 

Bake rings and shapes according to the clay directions before attaching them together. Wait until they are completely cooled 

Paint rings and pieces- then use hot glue gun to attach. 

tip 1: Have the kids paint one color at a time and let them dry in between to keep colors from running together. Consider letting them use a Q-tip to paint stripes or polka-dots.

tip 2: Once paint has dried completely, put a napkin in place so you can get a feel for where to place the star shapes before gluing.

No matter what the holiday . . . . . .
It's a frugal fun way to prepare for a special celebration with the family! 

Book to read for the 4th of July: 
The Adventures of Munford: The American Revolution

Free printable: Pray for our Nation
Bible Verse printable 2 Chronicles 7:14- print and cursive 

Link up your own tips for saving money on our Frugal Family link up for January
Please grab the button to use or link via text - Visit others to encourage each other and
share great information! The group Pinterest board is here - I'm pinning away!

linking with some or all of these blogs:  Works for me Wed Blogging through the Alphabet   Welcome Home  From My Mountain View     Titus 2's Days  Raising Mighty Arrows - 1000Gifts   Thankful Thurs Kids in the Word  Thursday Quick Tip   What Works Wed   Works-4-Me  The Imagination Tree , Creative Family Fun Sun Scholars   Favorite Resources this Week, Homeschool Freebie Fridays, Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers  ABC blogging, Mommy Teaches   homeschool fridays  friday faves Read.Explore.Learn

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