Monday, June 10, 2013

Kids in the Kitchen - Giant Homemade Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

I join forces with my good friend Carrie @YoungLivingOilLady each week to bring you this family friendly recipe link up. It is our desire to encourage families to cook and eat together. Meals cooked at home are healthier, and time spent together in the kitchen is good for families!
We use Cooking 101 as part of our family homeschool. I’m teaching the boys to put together healthy family meals, life skills, and budgeting, as well as teaching them tips for cooking in the kitchen. We encourage real food vs. processed food. Let’s bring the family, back to the table!

*affiliate links present in post 

Giant Homemade Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Now THAT's REAL food! 

Our oldest son (almost 12) is away visiting cousins. This was their idea and their creation - thanks for the recipe Aunt Jill. Now y'all head to Florida and come make some with me!

They had a ball goofing off in the kitchen - even baby cousin was laughing (so cute) 
But THIS is NO joke - SERIOUSLY goooooood: 

  • 18 oz chocolate chips
  • 3/4 cup creamypeanut butter
  • 2 tbsp butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tbsp. granular sugar
  1. Line a cupcake tin with paper cupcake liners.
  2. Melt chocolate w/ double boiler
  3. Spoon into the cupcake liners to make a thin layer of chocolate (for the bottom of the pnut butter cup)
  4. Put in freezer for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Whip the peanut butter, butter, powdered and granulated sugar together with a hand mixer.
  6. Spoon small amounts of pnut butter into each cup.
  7. Put in freezer for 10-15 minutes
  8. Spoon chocolate onto top to make the top of the pnut butter cup
  9. Shake your cupcake tin or bang it on the counter to make the pnut butter cups level out and gain proper shape
  10. Put in freeze for 15 minutes for final setting
  11. Enjoy!!!
Print Your Recipe Here  (click on ReesesPnutbutter and save doc to print) 

Join us by linking up your favorite family recipes or tips for cooking with kids! Grab a button from below, on my sidebar, or use a text link back to Adventurez. Please visit another participant or more to help encourage each other. I’ll be visiting and Pinning away on our Kids in the Kitchen Pinterest board here. It’s a wonderful resource for finding yummy recipes the whole family will love. Enjoy your time in the kitchen this week!

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