*affiliate links may be present in this post
I'm participating with this awesome group of bloggers to share our hearts for homeschooling- in real life. Real life homeschooling is all about enjoying a lifestyle of learning.
In our homeschool, we use books, texts, and curriculum - but we don't let the curriculum control our homeschool. We take a more relaxed view and use it as a platform, a "jumping off" point or a base of resources. We let life be our guide and real life interests be our inspiration too dig deeper into learning about the world around us and to create a desire in our children - to learn more.
Why? Well, there are many reasons - but the most important reason is because as we spend time in God's creation, as we carefully investigate the world around us, we begin to recognize the unique fingerprints of the Creator.
Nature, creation, life - points to a Divine Designer. There are wonders to discover and God's marvelous creation to enjoy. I hope you'll join us on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (yes, this is Thursday - but that's real life too) as we share our hearts for homeschooling and investigate the world around us.
This month at our home:
The boys were out collecting tad poles, because that's what they do after it rains. They found this strange little egg. Of course, it could have been some kind of snake, thankfully, it turned out to be a tiny baby lizard.
As they held the little egg, it began to move, and out came a baby lizard! They immediately claimed it to be "the BEST DAY EVER"
Now, there will be research. We will find out what kind of lizard we have here, how long he was in that egg, and what his life cycle will be. We want to know what he eats, how he lives, and his impact on the environment.
This is real life experience, and a lesson they won't soon forget.
Now, if we can just get their fingernails clean - we'll be in good shape!
Fun learning about lizards - links:
Are you enjoying real life learning in your homeschool? If you blog about it, we'd love for you to link up your blog post and share your experience to encourage others to get out and explore a lifestyle of learning.
also linking with Ultimate HS Hop
also linking with Ultimate HS Hop
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