Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Kids in the Kitchen - Summer Supper: Beans and Rice

Each week I join forces with my good friend Carrie @YoungLivingOilLady

to bring you this Kids in the Kitchen family recipe link up - We are all about encouraging
families to cook and eat together. Real food, verses the fake processed stuff is always best.
We believe that food is healthier and families happier when they get in the habit of spending time in the kitchen together. 

We use Cooking 101 as part of our family homeschool - teaching life skills and healthy habits 
to last a lifetime. The kids plan a food budget, meals, study nutrition and much more. 

This week: 

My son is ALMOST 12 years old, and at this stage he can cook dinner for the whole family. His little brothers are always handy to help chop or grate and to wash and peel. I love that they are learning these all important life skills including planning and preparing healthy food for themselves and for the family.
( I'm secretly hoping to make a good impression on their future wives, by training them to help out, so they will visit a lot!) 

We cook long grain brown or white rice according to directions 
*adding chicken broth to the water and a little coconut oil is very tasty 

We are leaving the linky open all month for a more relaxed comfortable summer schedule! I will still post a new recipe each week and hope you will too. Join us by linking up your favorite family recipes or tips for cooking with kids! Grab a button from below, on my sidebar, or use a text link back to Adventurez. Please visit another participant or more to help encourage each other. I’ll be visiting and Pinning away on our Kids in the Kitchen Pinterest board here. It’s a wonderful resource for finding yummy recipes the whole family will love. Enjoy your time in the kitchen this week!

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